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    2. Product Center

      Safe, efficient and environmentally friendly

      KAN JING?

      International advanced · Newly listed patent herbicide

      China patent No.:CN1383425A

      Special category: invention patent

      Composition and content : 32% bensulfuron-methyl ? glyphosate (2% benzosulfuron-methyl +30% glyphosate)

      Agent type : dispersible oil suspension agent

      Packing gauge : 100 ml ×100 bottles, 1000 ml ×12 bottles

      • Product Detail
      • Product introduction

        Kanjin ? is a compound of bensulfuron-methyl, a patented basF compound, and glyphosate, a conventional herbicide. As a new protoporphyrin oxidase inhibitor, bensulfuron-methyl is easy to be absorbed by roots, buds and leaves of crops, and has good xylic conductivity. It represents "a new level of weed control in broad leaves", and has significant advantages such as high activity, less dosage, faster weed killing, longer effective period and better resistance to low temperature. Through the perfect combination with glyphosate, kanjin ? herbicide spectrum is more comprehensive and the synergistic effect is more obvious, which solves the problem of glyphosate-resistant weed control increasing year by year. Kanjin ? is the crystallization of the cooperation between Yinnong Technology and BASF company. After three years of painstaking research and development, Yinnong Technology has broken through the technical bottleneck and successfully listed Kanjing ? -- 32% bensulfuron-glyphosate dispersing oil suspension! Product dosage form advanced, strong adhesion, efficient environmental protection. With silver level of research and development of agricultural science and technology of preparation and the advanced production technology, coupled with fully automated production process, to ensure that the camp clean ? products effective component size smaller, floating rate, better stability and higher will benzene its sulfonated grass amine and glyphosate efficacy develops acme, is a new broad spectrum sterilant herbicides, but also effective governance of glyphosate resistant and preferred drug resistant weeds!

        Using range and use method


        Control object

        Using method

        Non-cultivated land


        150-200 / mu

        Instructions for use:

        ★ In the flourishing period of weed growth, add 30-40 liters of water per mu, evenly spray on the surface of weed stems and leaves

        ★ Application should be uniform and thoughtful, avoid heavy spraying, leakage spraying or excessive use, avoid drift

        ★ It is not recommended to apply medicine in windy or rainy days


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