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    2. Product Center

      Safe, efficient and environmentally friendly

      NONG DI JIU?

      Early use of farmland for long grass control time

      Component :40% oxyfluoro · glyphosate

      Agent type : dispersible oil suspension agent

      Package : 100g ×100 bottles, 100g ×12 bottles

      • Product Detail
      • Product introduction

        Agricultural land has long been synthesized from glyphosate, a broad-spectrum endotracheal herbicide, and ethoxyflurane, a ive prebud herbicide. Advanced suspension manufacturing technology is adopted to make it into dispersible oil suspension with excellent wetting, spreading, permeability, fast killing speed, long effective period and complete dead grass. Agricultural land has long been widely used in non-arable land, high root orchards, tea gardens, seedling and crop stubble, kill grass spectrum, especially for purslane, iron amaranth, longkui and other high prevention efficiency.

        Using range and use method


        Control object

        Dosage (dosage of preparation/mu)

        Non-cultivated land


        100-160 ml/mu

        Instructions for use:

        ★ Weed growth in the flourishing period, choose a high temperature sunny days, strong light, each mu of water 30-50 kg, uniform spray.

        ★ At the later stage of weed growth and when the temperature is low, should increase the dosage.

        ★ Pay attention to avoid drifting drug damage.


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