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    2. Product Center

      Safe, efficient and environmentally friendly

      YIN JIE?

      Component :43% bifenazate

      Agent type : Suspending agent

      Package : 100gⅹ40 bottles 500gⅹ20 bottles

      • Product Detail
      • Product introduction

        This product is a new type of hydrazine ester specific low-toxic acaricide, active during the active period of spider mites, and can also control the egg stage of spider mites and other pests. Its mode of action is mainly to inhibit mitochondrial respiration. . When used according to the recommended dosage, it has a good control effect on citrus tree red spiders

        Using range and use method


        Control object

        Diluted multiples

        Citrus Tree



        Instructions for use:

        ★The suitable application period of this product is the period when the red spiders on the citrus tree occur and damage. Apply once, pay attention to the uniform and thoughtful spraying.

        ★The safe interval for using this product on citrus trees is 30 days, and it can be used up to 1 time per crop.

        ★Do not apply the medicine on a windy day or if it rains within 1 hour.


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