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    2. Product Center

      Safe, efficient and environmentally friendly


      Silver ghost acaricidal with confidence

      Component : 25%, avi screw mites, ester (5% + 20%abamectin screw mite ester)

      Agent type : Suspending agent

      Package :10 g x600 bag, x40 100 grams,500 grams of x20

      • Product Detail
      • Product introduction

        Silver ghost ? is silver agricultural science and technology promoted the first acaricide, provide the comprehensive solution for the crop tool again and again and again. Silver ghost ? will continue adhering to the silver style of agricultural products, continue to break the traditional concept of "composition determines effect", will use the first-class research and development of preparation level and excellent production technology avi screw mite ester of different products, to make it in the same products in "the efficacy of consistently high quality, outstanding performance" stand out from the crowd.

        Using range and use method

        Acaricidal wide spectrum ?The mechanism is unique Good quick The effective length ?Security

        All the mites on common control effect is prominent
        To tick, wood louse, pest and leaf rust moth and other pests have a very good and cure effect

        For spider mites throughout the reproductive cycle of the insect state if (eggs, larvae mites, mites, adult mites) control effect is prominent

        Resistance to the rains washed out, the effective for 40 to 50 days

        ?For crop safety


        Control object

        ?Dilution ratio

        fruit tree







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