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    2. Product Center

      Safe, efficient and environmentally friendly


      Health care crops antiseptic agent of god

      Component : 30% of pyrazole ether ester

      Agent type : Suspending agent

      Package :10 g x600 bag, x40 100 grams, 500 grams of x20

      • Product Detail
      • Product introduction

        god ? is silver agricultural science and technology after the farmers elves ? after 4 years of careful research and development, focus on creating and proven by a large number of field experiment and demonstration of another unique fungicide, is currently the methoxyl acrylic ester products in one of the most sought-after fungicide. ?, god in a wide spectrum, high bactericidal activity of prevention and cure, the effect on crops such as improve quality and increase production, has high safety, mixed with better, better prevention effect, etc. Compared with similar products, travolta ? god after two grinding, liquid particle size smaller, floating rate is as high as 98% above, liquid absorption efficiency is better, more stable product performance, more excellent efficacy.

        Using range and use method

        Wide sterilization spectrum ?Main fungus diseases can control a variety of crops

        ?High bactericidal activity

        ?Bactericidal activity is similar compounds (such as its bacteria ester, ether ester) three times

        ?The effective length

        ?Light stability, no evaporation, a longer period

        ?High safety

        ?Dispensed low toxicity, to crops, environmental safety, safety

        ?Improve the quality and yield

        ?Adjust crop growth, enhance photosynthesis and crop resistance, improve quality and increase production


        Control object

        Diluted multiples


        ?leaf spot and scab


        orange, grapefruit

        anthrax, scab, scab, grease points macular disease



        black rot, anthrax, red dot



        anthrax, the frost phytophthora disease



        anthrax, ring spot, scab


        ?watermelon, strawberry, chili

        anthrax, powdery mildew



        anthrax, powdery mildew



        black rot, round spot disease, powdery mildew



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