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      Keep track of your steps

      "NONGJIGLING?" entered Sichuan citrus market with excellent performance

      issuing time :2021-01-26

      In late April 2015, the Marketing Department of Yinnong began to march into Sichuan Meishan Citrus Market. In nearly one month, the Marketing Department completed the investigation of citrus market in Meishan, Sichuan Province, and carried out a series of work, including communication and sharing with the dealer team, sales channel construction, new product promotion meeting, product application test on citrus, etc. Through the experiment of medicinal effect on citrus, Nongelves showed extraordinary application value.

      “NONGJIGLING?”What is the specific performance of the application on citrus? (See below)? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?

      ◆After using the farming spirit, the leaves are green and the fruit is good;

      ◆The farming spirit is used on Spring Festival, and the current dispensing is safe;

      ◆After using the farm spirits, the styles exist for a long time and are very fresh. Style is an important floral organ of flowers and a transmission channel for genetic material. The fresher the style, the higher the fruit rate, the longer the time, the more complete the transmission of genetic information, and the better the development of fruit-bearing fruit.




      Does it perform so well on citrus? What are its characteristics?

      ◆Nongjingling is a compound preparation of methoxyacrylate fungicide azoxystrobin and difenoconazole, which has a good control effect on citrus scab, anthracnose, brown spot, etc., and is more effective than conventional agents Outstanding, longer duration.

      ◆Nongjing is very safe to use in high-end citrus varieties such as navel orange, spring, and Shiranui, and it is suitable for all periods.

      ◆The farming spirit can induce and stimulate the changes of plant physiological functions, thereby protecting flowers and fruits, increasing the area of green leaves, and improving the yield and quality of citrus.


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