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      Yinnong keeps the only science and Technology Award in plant protection industry

      issuing time :2021-01-25



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      Recently, Yinnong technology, in cooperation with Huizhou Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Nanjing Agricultural University, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Huizhou University and other units, completed the scientific research achievement "research and application of key technologies for major pest control and pesticide reduction", which won the science and technology achievement award of China Society for plant protection in 2020.

      A total of 36 achievements were awarded, including 5 first prizes, 10 second prizes, 20 third prizes and 1 science popularization prize. As one of the main units of scientific research achievements, our company won the third prize of annual science and technology award of China Plant Protection Society (technology promotion category) for the first time.

      It is reported that the science and technology award of China Society for plant protection is the only science and Technology Award for the National Plant Protection Industry approved by the Ministry of science and technology of the people's Republic of China and the State Science and Technology Award Office, and is an important part of China's science and Technology Award system. Every two years, the award-winning achievements need to go through form review, network review and conference review, and the first and second prize achievements need to be answered on site. The award-winning achievements can be recommended by the Chinese Society for plant protection to participate in the national science and technology award.

      Yinnong science and technology is a national high-tech enterprise and a "special new giant" enterprise of the Ministry of industry and information technology. The development and production of safe, efficient and environmentally friendly new pesticide formulations is the development direction of water-based environmental protection formulations advocated by the state. The company actively responds to the policy of reducing and increasing efficiency, strengthens the close technical cooperation with China Agricultural University, South China Agricultural University, Shenyang Institute of chemical industry and other domestic first-line scientific research institutions, continuously improves the company's independent innovation ability, accelerates the transformation of the most cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements (invention patents) into the most competitive products, and promotes plant protection technology through years of application practice We are making great progress. This year, the company won three new invention patents, and up to now, the company has obtained 20 patent technologies, contributing to improving the level of plant protection technology and promoting the sustainable development of modern agriculture and new countryside.


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