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    2. Application solution

      Crop solutions


      god ? is silver agricultural science and technology after the farmers elves ? after 4 years of careful research and development, focus on creating and proven by a large number of field experiment and demonstration of another unique fungicide, is currently the methoxyl acrylic ester products in one of the most sought-after fungicide. ?, god in a wide spectrum, high bactericidal activity of prevention and cure, the effect on crops such as improve quality and increase production, has high safety, mixed with better, better prevention effect, etc. Compared with similar products, travolta ? god after two grinding, liquid particle size smaller, floating rate is as high as 98% above, liquid absorption efficiency is better, more stable product performance, more excellent efficacy.


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      2. 徐州市| 含山县| 东源县| 双辽市| 青田县| 图们市| 濉溪县| 象山县| 邛崃市| 新邵县| 新竹市| 杂多县| 措勤县| 澳门| 永宁县| 定远县| 当阳市| 大新县| 高密市| 汶上县| 莫力| 宜兰市| 台南县| 屯昌县| 开远市| 汽车| 鄂尔多斯市| 大安市| 梧州市| 郯城县| 达拉特旗| 常宁市| 文化| 崇明县| 梧州市| 华阴市| 门源| 留坝县| 大安市| 沐川县| 汉沽区| http://444 http://444 http://444