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    2. Application solution

      Crop solutions


      According to the growth period of rice, the precise cut-in point was made, and the single or combined products of silver farmers were used to realize the integrated control, which helped the farmers to increase the yield and improve the quality.


      Growth Period

      Silver Farmer Program


      ? ? ? ?Seedbed stage


      ?Farm elves 1500 times+

      Solve seedling diseases, extract seedlings, strengthen seedlings, protect seedlings, and slow seedlings quickly

      ? ? ? ?Tillering stage

      Sundo 20g/mu+ or Nongjing 20g/mu+

      Excellent disease control effect and smoother later promotion

      ? ? ?

      ? ? ? Before the breach

      Nongchan combination+ (Nongjing 20g/mu + Sundo 20g/mu)

      Comprehensive prevention, stable production and quality improvement

      ? ? ? ?Full ear stage

      Cante combination (CANDU 20g / mu + terashen 20g / mu)

      Protect the functional leaves and keep filling to ensure the obvious effect of increasing yield



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      2. 海丰县| 廉江市| 桦川县| 巴里| 萝北县| 吴川市| 西和县| 孝感市| 安泽县| 北京市| 顺义区| 闸北区| 陇川县| 黔西县| 准格尔旗| 大兴区| 福贡县| 娄底市| 五原县| 宝坻区| 桃园市| 伊金霍洛旗| 海伦市| 南郑县| 醴陵市| 忻城县| 屏东县| 土默特右旗| 乐陵市| 全椒县| 灵寿县| 额济纳旗| 上饶市| 共和县| 泽州县| 本溪市| 大兴区| 布拖县| 定安县| 金山区| 荔波县| http://444 http://444 http://444